1. Download application

First of all you need to download EcoSystem 54 application


2. Create an account

Create a new EcoSystem 54 account via sign up form or scanning QR code.

3. Contact your administrator
Account Verification After the registration process, you do not have any rights to view / create / delete content. After your confirmation, the administrator will assign you personal access.

You have been successfully registered. Please contact your administrator to define your role and get an access to the system.

4. So easy to use
What is Profile service? Profile service is the right palce where you can add/change you personal information. In additional to this, you can also check you personal list of permissions.

As soon as administrator grants access, profile service will be available for you. Go to Profile service

Create a new EcoSystem 54 account via sign up form

Create a new EcoSystem 54 account by scanning QR code

QR code expired

Get a new QR code


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