Single login / Single system of permissions

— Highest level of security

— Built-in two-factor authentication

— Manage all services from one place

Single login/single permission system
Service approach to development

Service approach to development

— Reliability

— Short release cycles (2-3 weeks)

— AP54 protocol universality provides stability of root services

Built-in CI / CD processes

— Seamlessness

— Built-in system of automatic integration testing

— Automatic deployment

— Integration of monitoring into code

— Built-in system of automatic backups

Built-in CI / CD processes
Opensource technologies

Ecosystem54 uses opensource technologies only

— Flask

— PostgreSQL

— Docker

— Celery

— ReactJS

More about Ecosystem54 in our blog


Ecosystem54 is an initiative for linking development and related processes into a single set, each process in which does not interfere with each other, and they can interact within the concept of "information field".


More details
Write to us if you have any questions.