Our Expertise in QA

Our team of specialists in the field of QA and AQA has extensive experience and knowledge to ensure the high quality of your product.

Available specialists

Types of testing we use in manual testing

Smoke Testing

Quick check of the main functionality of the product to determine its stability.

Regression Testing

Checking for defects after making changes to the product.

Functional Testing

Testing specific functions of the product.

Usability Testing

Evaluation of the convenience of using the product by users.

Cross-browser Testing

Checking the compatibility of the product in different browsers.

Integration Testing

Checking the interaction of different components of the system.

Acceptance Testing

Assessment of product compliance with customer requirements.

Negative Testing

Checking the product behavior with incorrect input data.

Positive Testing

Checking the correct operation of the product with correct input data.

Non-functional Testing

Testing aspects of the product, such as performance, security, and reliability.

Technologies for Automation QA

Tools and languages:

Selenide, Selenium webdriver, Appium, Java.

Development tools:

Chrome/Mozilla Devtools, BrowserStack, Appium Inspector.






TestNG, JUnit, Cucumber



API testing:

Rest assured, Postman



Project Build:

Maven, Gradle

Our services in the field of QA

Manual Testing

Conducting comprehensive tests at various stages of development, including functional, integration, and acceptance testing.

Automated Testing

Development and maintenance of automated tests using tools such as Selenium, Appium, and Selenide.

Performance Testing

Analysis of system response time, using JMeter to simulate various load scenarios.

Security Testing

Application of penetration testing methods, threat and risk analysis, compliance with security standards.

API Testing

Verification of the correct interaction between various services and components using Postman and Rest Assured.

QA Consultations

Assessment of the current testing process, suggestion of improvements, implementation of best practices.

Our approach to organizing the testing process

  • Requirements analysis

    Thorough study of product specifications and determination of key aspects for testing.

  • Planning

    Creation of a detailed testing plan, including the selection of test scenarios, tools, and resources.

  • Test development

    Creation of test scenarios and automated tests based on requirements analysis.

  • Test execution

    Conducting manual and automated testing in accordance with the plan.

  • Analysis of results

    Identification, documentation, and classification of detected defects.

  • Feedback

    Close interaction with the development team for the quick resolution of detected issues.

  • Retesting

    Verification of corrections and retesting to guarantee quality.

  • Process evaluation

    Regular analysis and optimization of the testing process to increase its efficiency.

Why our specialists are strong in testing

Extensive experience

Our specialists have deep knowledge and practical experience in various fields of testing.

Continuous learning

We follow new technologies and methods, constantly improving our qualifications.


We conduct thorough planning of test scenarios and strategies to ensure complete product coverage.

Technical preparation

Our specialists not only know how to test, but also have technical knowledge, which allows them to interact effectively with developers and understand complex technical aspects of the product.

Contact Us

If you are ready to learn more about how our expert knowledge in QA and AQA can become your strategic advantage, leave us a message.

We are eagerly looking forward to the opportunity to work with you!

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