Monolith decomposition into microservices

Monolithic systems in the IT sphere stand out for their simplicity and integrity, however, over time they may demonstrate significant disadvantages, especially when scaling and adapting to new technological trends. Problems related to code management, team coordination, performance, reliability, and flexibility of changes become particularly noticeable as the project grows.

Problems faced by projects with monolithic architecture

  • Scalability issues

    • Horizontal scaling: monoliths can be difficult to scale because it often requires copying the entire application, which is inefficient.
    • Vertical scalability: the need to scale a separate module entails the necessity to scale the entire application.
    • Performance: enhancing the performance of individual components or functions can be challenging since changes in one part of the system can affect others.
  • Code management issues

    • Code complexity: over time, the codebase can become huge and complex for understanding and maintenance.
    • Deployment speed: large monolithic systems may have lengthy build and deployment processes.
    • Version control: making changes and updates to monolithic systems becomes increasingly difficult as the size of the codebase grows.
  • Teamwork issues

    • Coordination difficulties: large development teams might face coordination problems and working on the same code.
    • Technology stagnation: the ability to adapt to new technologies is limited, as implementing changes in monolithic architecture can be risky and costly.
    • Development blocking: changes in one part of the system can block the work of other developers.
  • Reliability issues

    • Fault tolerance: an error or failure in one part of the monolith can lead to issues throughout the application.
    • Recovery after failures: monoliths may be more vulnerable to downtimes and prolonged recovery periods after failures due to their interdependency.
  • Issues with changes and updates

    • Refactoring: altering or improving the code can be expensive and may lead to unforeseen consequences due to the tight coupling of components.
    • Speed of making changes: making changes and testing often require more time, which slows down the delivery of new functionality.

Transitioning to a microservices architecture represents a strategic step in optimizing and modernizing the project. In addition to improving scalability and accelerating development cycles, microservices provide eased integration and more flexible resource management.

Stages of migrating a project from monolith to microservices

  • Audit and analysis of the current system

    • Assessment of the current monolithic architecture for potential risks and complexities of the transition.
    • Analysis of business processes and technical characteristics of your system.
  • Planning and forming migration strategy

    • Development of a detailed migration plan, considering your business requirements and technical features.
    • Determining a strategy for splitting the monolith into microservices with minimal risks and downtimes.
  • Developing microservice architecture

    • Designing microservice architecture optimized for your business processes and load.
    • Developing API and services to ensure communication and integration of microservices.
  • Data and functionality migration

    • Painless data and functionality transfer while maintaining information safety and integrity.
    • Optimization and modernization of databases for operation in a microservice environment.
  • Testing and optimization

    • Conducting thorough testing of the entire system to guarantee stability and performance.
    • Identifying and eliminating potential issues and "bottlenecks" to ensure high performance and fault tolerance.
  • Monitoring and security

    • Implementing solutions for monitoring the state of microservices and overall system performance.
    • Ensuring a high level of data and operation security on the new platform.

Problems that may arise during the transition from monolith to microservices

  • Monolith decomposition

    There might be incorrect separation of business logic, leading to unnecessary complexity and connectivity between microservices.

  • Network delays

    There might be an increase in the system response time due to numerous network requests between microservices, which will improve user experience.

  • Testing complexity

    There may be an increase in complexity and testing time due to the need to account for various microservices interaction scenarios.

  • Consistency issues

    There may be difficulties with data consistency between microservices, leading to inconsistency and data errors.

  • Team management

    There may be a need for team retraining and changing project management approaches, which might cause resistance and time loss.

  • Security

    There might be increased complexity in security management due to open interaction points between microservices, increasing the security risk.

  • Monitoring and logging

    Tracking issues and performance in a distributed system might be complicated, increasing the time for problem identification and resolution.

  • Release management

    The deployment and update process for microservices might be complicated, leading to increased time and risks during releases.

  • Orchestration complexity

    There might be increased complexity in managing and coordinating microservices, which may lead to errors and unstable system operation.

Migrating a project from a monolithic architecture to microservices often represents a high-level engineering challenge, the outcome of which depends on a series of critical decisions and specific expertise. During this transition, the main goal is not merely to separate the monolith into individual services, but also to create a stable, scalable, and easily maintainable system.

How to choose a team for monolith refactoring

Choosing a team to lead the migration process is a critically important step for the successful transformation of your project. Preference is usually given to contractors whose skills and experience are indisputably proven by the implementation of previous projects in this domain area. Professional contractors have deep knowledge of potential problems and complexities that may arise on the path of migration, as well as effective strategies to overcome them.

Our experience in monolith to microservices transition

We are an experienced contractor, having transferred our own infrastructure to microservices, as well as having successful experience of transfer for our client. We already have a developed methodology for successful monolith to microservices transition, which has proven its effectiveness and has been refined considering the problems we encountered. Our specialists deeply immerse themselves in the unique features of each project, offering individual solutions aimed at increasing system productivity and stability. All stages of the transition, starting from consultations and ending with actual implementation, are carried out with special attention to details and focus on minimizing risks for the client’s business. Thanks to our approach, we not only technically implement the transfer but also strive to ensure a smooth and seamless transition for all users, while maintaining data integrity and reliability.

Approaches to risk minimization

During the transition from monolithic architecture to a microservices structure, certain risks and complexities inevitably arise. We recognize these risks and apply a methodical approach to their identification, analysis, and minimization at each stage of the migration process. To minimize risks, we adhere to the following rules:

  • Proactive risk analysis

    At the planning stage, our specialists conduct a thorough analysis of your current system, identifying potential problem areas and risks that may arise during migration. This analysis allows us to develop a detailed action plan to eliminate or minimize these risks in advance.

  • Gradual migration strategy

    We often employ a step-by-step migration strategy to avoid risks associated with transferring all functionalities at once. The methodology allows migrating separate parts of the system and functionality, reducing risks and providing the ability to quickly resolve possible issues at each stage.

  • Testing and validation

    Conducting comprehensive testing at all stages of the migration process to ensure system stability, security, and performance. Our team performs performance, security, and functionality tests to guarantee smooth operation after moving to microservices.

  • Creating backups and recovery plan

    Implementing solutions for data backup and developing a quick recovery plan in case of issues. This ensures that your data will be protected, and business processes will not be harmed in the event of unexpected situations.

  • Continuous monitoring and support

    We provide continuous system monitoring after migration to detect and resolve possible issues in real-time. Our specialists are ready to provide support and intervene in case of any difficulties or problems after the system launch.

Possible method of collaboration for refactoring the project from monolith to microservices

  • Consultation and planning

    First, we start with a deep dive into your business to understand your current processes, goals, and requirements.

  • Regular communication and reporting

    We pay special attention to transparency and communicate with you regularly throughout the entire project, providing clear progress reports and always being ready to discuss any issues.

  • Team interaction

    Our specialists can work both autonomously and integrate into your existing team for collaborative work on the project, ensuring smooth knowledge and experience exchange.

  • Support

    After the project is completed, we continue to support and develop your platform, adapting to changing requirements and the technological landscape.

Our approach to work

  • Adaptation to changes

    We understand that business requirements can change and are ready to quickly adapt to any changes or new priorities within the project.

  • Personalized solutions

    Our approach and technologies can be configured to match the specifications of your project, providing a solution that is perfectly suited to your business.

  • Scalability

    All our solutions are developed considering the future growth of your business, ensuring ease of scalability in the future.

  • Security and compliance

    Our team takes into account all necessary standards and requirements in the field of data security.

Our team provides services for migrating projects from monolithic architecture to microservices, ensuring smooth and reliable transition. We understand the peculiarities of each project and offer personalized solutions based on the requirements and capabilities of the project.

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