Selenide - Simplified Test Automation
Selenide is a wrapper for Selenium WebDriver, which simplifies the writing of automated tests for web applications. Unlike Selenium, Selenide automatically manages browser drivers, reduces the amount of extra code, and provides a more convenient and readable syntax. This makes testing faster, more reliable, and more enjoyable.

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Application of Selenide
Automation of functional testing
Selenide helps in writing automated functional tests that mimic user actions in the browser, such as clicking a button, entering text, selecting from a dropdown list, etc.
Regression testing
Selenide can be used to write regression tests that help ensure that new changes in the code did not affect the existing functionality.
Cross-browser testing
Selenide supports all popular web browsers, which allows testing the application in different browsers without changing the test code.
Integration testing
Selenide can be used to write integration tests that check the interaction between different parts of a web application or between different systems.
Support for Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
Tests written using Selenide can be easily integrated into the CI/CD process, which helps automate testing in the development and deployment process.
Support for reporting
Selenide can be integrated with various reporting tools, such as Allure, which helps in analyzing test results and quickly identifying problems.
Technical Aspects and Capabilities
Simplification of browser management
Selenide automatically starts and stops the browser, reducing manual intervention and chances of errors.
Automatic management of expectations
Selenide automatically waits until the elements become visible or accessible for interaction, reducing the need for explicit waits.
Concise and readable syntax
Selenide offers a more concise and readable syntax compared to Selenium, which simplifies the writing and maintenance of tests.
Automatic screenshots and video recording
Selenide can automatically take screenshots at each test failure, and also record a video of the entire test run.
Built-in support for JavaScript
Selenide offers built-in methods for executing JavaScript, which simplifies working with dynamic elements on the web page.
jQuery support
Selenide offers the ability to work with elements on the page, using jQuery syntax, which makes writing tests more convenient for those familiar with jQuery.
Support for multiple browsers
Selenide supports all popular web browsers, allowing you to test the application in different browsers without changing the test code.
Advantages of Selenide
Stability and Reliability
Tests written using Selenide turn out to be more stable and reliable, compared to tests written using Selenium only. This is due to automatic management of expectations and the browser.
Ease of Use
Selenide significantly simplifies the process of writing and supporting automated tests, reducing the amount of code required for writing tests, and making them more readable. This reduces the time for preparation and running of tests.
Contact Us
If you are ready to learn more about how our expert knowledge in Selenide can become your strategic advantage, leave us a message. We are looking forward to the opportunity to work with you!
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