
Aiohttp is a Python tool based on asynchronous technology asyncio. It is designed for creating asynchronous HTTP servers and clients. This technology is used in backend development to efficiently handle multiple parallel requests. This is necessary to prevent users from waiting too long for each operation to complete.

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Main Technical Aspects and Capabilities of Aiohttp


Aiohttp utilizes the capabilities of Python 3.5+ and the asyncio module to provide an asynchronous API.

HTTP/1.1 and WebSockets Support

This allows creating modern web applications and complex interactions between the client and the server.

Client and Server-Side Support

You can create both asynchronous HTTP clients and web servers using a single framework.


Aiohttp supports middlewares, which allows easy addition of additional functionality, such as logging, authentication, or Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).


Aiohttp has a signals system that allows attaching functions to specific request lifecycle events.

Streaming Support

This is ideal for transmitting large files or streaming data transfers.


Aiohttp provides tools for testing asynchronous code, making development and quality assurance easier.


Thanks to its extensive API, you can easily extend functionality, integrate with other systems, or even replace internal components with custom solutions.

Support for Various Routing Types

Including strict routing, dynamic placeholders, and even regular expressions.

Built-in Cookie and Session Support

This simplifies session and Cookie data management.

Support for Multiple Web Formats

Including JSON, multipart, and others.

Support for Various Authentication Methods

Basic auth, Digest auth, and others.

Third-Party Package Support

Many third-party libraries and extensions are available for working with aiohttp, providing additional features like database integration, validation schemas, and more.

Our Experience with Aiohttp

Web Server Optimization

To ensure high performance and quick response of our web service, we applied Aiohttp as the main framework. This allowed us to handle a large number of simultaneous connections without delays.

Integration with Microservices

When developing a microservices architecture, we used Aiohttp to create asynchronous HTTP clients. This provided the ability to quickly and efficiently exchange data between microservices.


We used various middleware interfaces available in Aiohttp to implement custom request processing logic, such as authentication, caching, and logging.

Streaming Data Transmission

In some projects where we needed to ensure the transmission of large volumes of data, we used Aiohttp's capabilities for streaming transmission, which optimized resource utilization and improved the user experience.


In the process of developing our projects, we used built-in Aiohttp tools for testing asynchronous code.

Aiohttp is a powerful and flexible tool for creating asynchronous web applications in Python. Its capabilities contribute to optimizing user interactions and improving the efficiency of web services.

Contact Us

If you are ready to learn more about how our expertise in Aiohttp can become your strategic advantage, leave us a message. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you!

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