
SQLite is a C library that provides a lightweight, disk-based database that does not require a separate server, and allows access to the database using a sparse variant of the SQL query language.

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Main features and functions of SQLite

No configuration required

SQLite does not require configuration, installation, or administration. You simply need to copy the SQLite library into your project, and it is ready to work.


SQLite does not depend on external libraries or the operating system. This means that the SQLite database can be moved between different systems without the need for any changes.


SQLite databases can be moved between 32-bit and 64-bit systems, as well as between big-endian and little-endian architectures.

ACID compatibility

SQLite supports ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability) properties, which ensures data reliability even in case of system failures or hardware breakdowns.

Transaction support

SQLite supports transactions, which means that several data update operations can be combined into one transaction, which either completes entirely or is completely canceled.

Best Practices for Working with SQLite

Using Transactions

The operation speed can be significantly increased by combining several data update operations into a single transaction, reducing the number of disk accesses.

Thoughtful Use of Indexes

Indexes speed up data retrieval operations, but also increase the time required for insertion, update, or deletion of data. Therefore, indexes should only be created for fields that are frequently searched or sorted.

Data Normalization

This helps avoid data duplication and reduces database size. However, normalization can increase query complexity and reduce performance. Therefore, data should only be normalized when truly necessary.

Using Prepared Statements

This reduces the risk of SQL injections and can improve performance, as the same prepared statement can be used multiple times with different parameters.

SQLite is a powerful tool suitable for most applications where a lightweight, embeddable, and reliable database is required. It is especially good for mobile applications, embedded systems, and other applications where resources are limited. However, for high-load applications or those with scalability requirements, such as web applications with a large number of users, it might be better to use more powerful databases, such as PostgreSQL or MySQL.

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